What is Intergroup?
An Intergroup is a regional service center made up of representatives from local SLAA groups. The combined resources of several groups in an Intergroup provide effective and widespread outreach to those seeking help for sex and love addiction.
What are the functions of an Intergroup?
Maintain and provide a local meeting list to the community.
Relay important SLAA information and news from Fellowship Wide Services.
Encourage and promote different types of meetings.
Sponsor special meetings, retreats or conferences.
Elect and send a delegate to the Annual Business Meeting (ABM).
Hold special events for fun or for fund-raising.
Determine how contributions are used.
Staff help lines or call centers.
Get the word out to the community about SLAA through outreach.
Publish Intergroup newsletters.
Maintain an Intergroup website.
Elect officers and other service positions.
Maintain archives/records for the Intergroup.
Host the International Recovery Convention.
(Excerpt taken from the Fellowship Wide Services Website, “What is Intergroup?” © 1997-2014 The Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc. All rights reserved.)
If your new or existing SLAA group in the Chicago area is looking for an Intergroup to join, please find our contact information on the right side of this page to request to be added as a member group. Next, get registered with Fellowship Wide Services (FWS). It is recommend that your new group should meet three times before registering.